Monday 27 November 2017

The Five Common Misconceptions about Home Inspector Brampton Home Inspectors

The Five Common Misconceptions about Home Inspector Brampton Home Inspectors

The media has had a lot to say about Home Inspector Brampton and home inspections in recent years, and not everything that  has been said has been entirely accurate or even representative of the profession as a whole.

It is important that people thinking of employing a Home Inspector understands what a home inspection is, how to search for a  Home Inspector and how to select the right one for their purposes.

We decided to help set the record straight about many misconceptions about Brampton Home Inspectors.

1. Brampton Home Inspectors are regulated by the government

This is not true.  In Brampton, there is no provincial licensing program for Home Inspectors.  While the provincial  government is moving towards regulation of the home inspection profession, it has not yet completed the policy review or  enacted any Bills in Parliament.

A Home Inspector may have a business that is licensed by the local jurisdiction, but we are only aware of one Brampton  jurisdiction that demands a home inspection business be licensed and that is Barrie, Brampton.

A Home Inspector Brampton is not being truthful if he or she claims to be a  “Licensed Home Inspector.”

2. Home Inspectors work for the real estate agent

Brampton Home Inspectors should always work for the client.  The Home Inspector is there to assist the client, whether buying  or selling, to understand the accurate condition of a property.

Oftentimes when a client selects a Brampton Home Inspector it is through the recommendation of the real estate agent.  While  many real estate agents are professional, as in every profession there are some who put their own income before the needs of  the client.

If you are thinking about purchasing or selling a home, the first thing you should look into after making the decision is who  you are going to select as your Home Inspector.   You should do this before you even consider the real estate agent you are  going to select.  The reason for this is that a professional Home Inspector will be the person who is going to not only tell  you if there are any major problems with a property but also help you understand the maintenance that is needed.

3. Home Inspectors should only be used for buying

This has been the case to date, but recently the advent of pre-sale inspections has been more frequent.  The past principle,  again put forward by the realty profession, is that having an inspection is a snapshot in time and therefore the report is  only relevant to the time of the inspection.

While this is true, it does not explain the benefit of having a pre-sale inspection.  Remember in this case the Home  Inspector is still working only for the client.  Many people think that this means the Home Inspector will write a “soft  report” to help the client sell their home.  This couldn’t be further from the truth.

Many Home Inspectors perform pre-sale inspections and this gives them the advantage of discussing their findings with the  current homeowner.  Frequently, inspectors find more in a pre-sale inspection than they would in a buyer’s inspection because  they can get the homeowner to expose areas that might be hidden.  They can also query them, and ask for proof of previous  repairs and maintenance efforts.

Generally, the first pre-sale inspection report identifies a large number of defects which are categorized as major, minor or  maintenance.  This allows the homeowner to make repairs before a second inspection which affirms the home to be listed is in  the condition the homeowner wants it to be seen by other inspectors.

The advantage of this process is that it stops the 11th-hour negotiations that are the main cause of a home sale failing.

4. Home Inspectors are responsible for everything that is missed

Unless, and only during a pre-sale inspection, the homeowner outright tells the Brampton Home Inspector about damage to the  property, a home inspection is a visual inspection of the property.  A visual inspection is dependent obviously on what can  be seen, at the time of the inspection.  It cannot absolutely diagnose the cause or any conditions, although many experienced  Brampton Home Inspectors can hazard educated estimates at this.

It can never identify what will happen in the future, but again a well-trained, experienced Home Inspector should be able to  identify from visual inspections the possibility of concerns occurring if remedial work is not done.  Sometimes a phenomenal  weather condition will happen or a hidden defect will cause a problem.  The Home Inspector cannot be held responsible for  these items as it is beyond their control.

If you feel a Home Inspector has missed something, talk to them first.  A professional Home Inspector will explain what was  identified, and how and why something may have been missed if indeed it was.

Generally, a direct approach will generate a faster, less expensive resolution to a problem than getting lawyers involved.  A  Home Inspector should not be relied upon as a source of financial support should a problem that was impossible to identify  visually at the inspection manifests itself later.

5. All Brampton Home Inspectors are the same, so a cheap inspector is as good as an expensive one

It is true that all inspectors are limited by the visual nature of an inspection, and therefore bound by the same  constraints.  This does not, however, make them, all the same, any more than it makes all bus drivers or all shopkeepers the  same.

Your first question should not be “How much do you charge for a home inspection?”Your focus should be on the importance  getting a Home Inspector who is trained, experienced, professional, trustworthy and independent.  Experience is sometimes  difficult to come by, as the home inspection profession has a high turnover, mainly because of the reliance on the housing  market and low income from inspections.  This is why when selecting a Home Inspector, you should ask for their credentials  and certifications.

A properly certified Home Inspector will identify an inspector that has been trained and has proven experience.  Certified  Home Inspectors generally have to be members of an association that offers a disciplinary process to ensure the award and  removal of certifications are managed properly.

Professional Home Inspectors will generally have their own company, a company website, a company email address and publish  this in full view for all to find.  Avoid the inspector who only has a telephone number and generic email address (Hotmail,  Gmail yahoo).  All professional businesses have an address; your Home Inspector should have one, too.

Professional Home Inspectors also have an array of tools including moisture meters, electrical testers, plumbing pressure  testers, thermal IR cameras, ladders, and cameras. The Home Inspector should be using inspection software that allows you to  view their reports online or print as you see fit.

A good inspector will look to protect the home they are inspecting so they will have indoor and outdoor shoes or booties to  protect the floors.

Really good inspectors will have a police background check, they are, after all, going to someone else’s home and should be  trustworthy.  All of this costs money, which pushes up the costs of being a Home Inspector and the price of the home  inspection.

A cheap Home Inspector is just that.

If you looking for the best home inspectors help from the reputed home inspection company the Golden home inspection is the  correct choice for you.So find more information to click on their website (

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